As part of the dissertation process, I have to defend my research. This is called “the defense.” It entails giving a presentation discussing my research …
Author: Todd R. Vogts
Brief conversation highlights need for misinformation research
While at a community event in rural Kansas recently, I ran into an individual I was acquainted with. I’ll call him “Phoenix.”
We were standing in line waiting to get our food, and we struck up a conversation. It was the normal flavor of idle chitchat: “How are you? What are you up to? How’s your family?”
Phoenix said he was farming full-time now, upgrading his hobby to his career. I congratulated him, and then he asked me what I do. I told him I taught journalism.
“Oh. You don’t teach them that liberal bullshit do you?” he asked as we picked up our meals.
I looked at him for a moment, trying to decide how to respond. It certainly wasn’t worth arguing about the merits of the comment, and I didn’t want to prolong a conversation I knew wouldn’t be productive. So I quickly came up with a generic response.
“I teach them to do it the right way,” I said while spreading butter on a piece of Wonder Bread.
That seemed to be satisfactory.
“Good deal,” he said with a smile.
We then went our separate ways to go eat with our respective parties, but the interaction stuck with me. It highlighted how there is a pervasive mistrust of media in rural parts of the country, and there is such division and polarization that people automatically assign political views to their perceptions of the media.
Of course, this wasn’t the first time I’ve had that type of conversation with people, and it certainly won’t be the last. However, it seems to prove the need for the research I’m conducting.
Additional survey recruitment strategies implemented
Initially, the response rate to my survey was slow. It made me worry about being able to get enough data for the survey to be …
OTM’s “The Divided Dial” uncovers fascinating insights into conservative talk radio
Technology pervades our lives thanks to the cell phones everyone constantly carries in their pockets, but even those devices are susceptible to reception dead zones. …
Slow survey response rate prompts considerations for additional recruitment strategies
With the survey accepting responses, I’ve been monitoring the number of submissions that have been received. I don’t know what I was expecting really, but …
Survey launches into Internet ether
After receiving Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval on Oct. 24, I launched the survey. I did this by directly recruiting individuals I knew who fit …
IRB process still in progress
The application for Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval has been submitted and is still under review. As part of the process, I have fielded questions and …
Preparing the methodological implements
In order to collect data that investigates the pathways to news for individuals living and working in rural areas of the country as a way …
Lived experiences inspire research
The idea for “Cultivating Misinformation” was planted long before the project sprouted, and it was fertilized by life experiences. After earning my bachelor’s degree in …
News media can tell you what’s the matter with Kansas. But you have to do the repairs.
From time to time, content from other sources is shared via this site in an effort to present a wider variety of information and perspectives. …